The Artist




Tegan at desk looking up.jpeg

I am an artist, married with five children and live in Seaford, East Sussex. With a degree in Communication Design, I worked as a graphic designer and illustrator for a small publishing company for ten years before working from home.

When Meriet Duncan asked me to illustrate this book I felt thrilled and excited to be involved. I have learnt so very much about Honeybees and the vital part they play in our world. I feel the vibrant colour and style of my work lends itself beautifully to this story and I am in my element when helping to bring to life little creature characters like Betsie and Hunnie.

Meriet’s enthusiasm on this subject has been infectious and I found myself researching all manner of things relating to bees while illustrating this very exciting project. 

These humble, buzzing bugs deserve a huge thanks – for helping provide us with our favourite fruits and vegetables, their delicious honey, and beautiful, flowery gardens! Bees are some of the hardest working creatures on the planet, and because of their laborious work ethic, we owe many thanks to this amazing yet often under appreciated insect as they are easily amongst the most important insects to humans on Earth. 

The story of Betsie Valentine, which I have found to be both enchanting and educational, will hopefully highlight the worldwide importance of bees to our agricultural economy and the overall ecosystem; they are an essential component to sustaining life on Earth.

Long live the bee!

If you would like to find out more about Tegan and her artwork you can visit her website.

You can also buy prints of Tegan's artwork from Betsie Valentine And The Honeybees by following this link:
