This weekend we had a beautiful day on Sunday so of course I went to the apiary. The bees were out flying as you would expect on a warm spring day, although, one has to say, still not warm enough to look and see what’s going on in the hive.

With the mouse guards on I could see the bees queuing to get in and so I decided to remove them to give them a little more space to manoeuvre

I left the winter openings in the doors as it’s definitely not warm enough to turn them around to the summer entrance yet.

Below are three Video’s I made.

The first one is of me removing the mouse guards.

The second is putting on the feeders and filling them with sugar syrup. You only feed the bees in spring if they’re short of stores, which, given the dreadful weather we have been having, mine are.

The third video was made the following day, (today - Monday), checking to see if they had taken any of the syrup down. Enjoy…

So there you have it. We are one week away from April and still not a peek inside the hives but plenty of activity to report on.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these video’s. I thought it would make a change from tap-tap-tapping away ye olde keyboard!

So once again… a quote that will hopefully reach into the very heart of your love and respect for our wonderful honeybees.

“The happiness of the bee and the dolphin is to exist. For man, it is to know that and to wonder at it.” – Jacques Yves Cousteau

Meriet Duncan